Why is my approach to therapy different ?
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Because it is not simply learned from some dry textbook of case studies. I don’t just talk the talk, I have actually walked the walk. I grew up in a chaotic home and in later years my dad became a deputy sheriff. I was in my teens and able to witness first-hand what a toll that took on my very empathetic and kind father. I watched and listened to my dad and his close work buddies & family friends as they tried to work through the stresses of their day to day work. I am/was related to or friends with several police officers. I was married briefly to a deputy sheriff and was witness to how he and his fellow officers dealt with their work related stresses. I had a step-grandfather that was non-verbal most of the time from his undiagnosed PTSD after he was in the Korean war. Among other things he scared the shit out of me just by being in the room. Even at a very young age I recognized that something was very wrong, although I had no idea what. I suffered prolonged bullying...
Costs of our Therapies & Programs vs Others
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I am often asked what the cost of our programs is and usually upon hearing the rate people are surprised. However, if you compare our per session & package rates with other therapies: Massage Therapy $90 - $110 per hour Chiropractic: $75- $120 per hour Other alternative practices $100 – 200 per 60 minutes Clinical Counselling (Psychology) $230+ per hour Triquetra: $150 per session (average session is 90 minutes) IF a session goes longer I do not simply cut you off and say well pick up next time. Chances are if a session is shorter one visit the next one will be longer. So that being said, the basis of this article will only compare the costs of diet programs: Costs of our therapies vs diet programs All diet programs work to some degree or another depending on how strong your determination/willpower/reasons are to follow through. However the ONE thing that none of them do is to actually address the UNDERLYING reasons for your continued inability to lose and...
The Best Laid Plans..
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I was going to video this entry today - but mother nature has seen fit to send us beautful blue skies and a howling wind from the northwest. It is so loud that I can barely hear myself think - never mind trying to record anything :) Anyway - In April, we relocated to an amazingly quiet property north of Prince George. We are now on a 1200 acre ranch and we are all loving the peace & quiet. No noise - other than nature. The robins start at 4am, followed by sand hill cranes and a flock of swallows that have been busily trying to build nests on the house. My roosters also start carrying on around 4:30 and then we can randomly hear coyotes, woodpeckers and all sorts of critters. My commute to my new office in town is approximately 40 minutes and I am fortunate enough to be able to do a lot of work from home now too. Most of that work so far has been getting the horses and chickens settled in, gardening, and maintenance around the yard. As I continue to heal from my own health jo...
Resisting the inner voice?
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It is hard to believe that 2017 is almost over and it seems like it has been a year of whirlwind changes and experiences. Over the spring I was working at trying to define and re-brand my business and kept meeting with a lot of internal resistance to doing so. About the time that I finally & reluctantly gave in to accept some of the changes that had been proposed - my world came to a crashing halt. The fires of 2017 in the cariboo region of BC sent us (me & all my critters) into evacuation. We ended up back on the lower mainland because I had family to stay with, and a large stable was offered to board my horses and chickens at. We were safe. I will only say that the entire experience of having to evacuate my animals in the dark of night, travelling through the only open 'escape' route available to the entire town of 100 Mile House and an all night drive through smoke so thick it was at times hard to even see the road ahead - is not an experience I EVER want to go t...
Happy- ness?
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So much has recently been floating around the Internet in meme's and posts about happiness. Find your happiness, happiness equals success etc,etc, etc. So what is happy-ness? How do you find it, where do you find it, what is it? The Miriam-Webster dictionary describes happiness : the state of being happy In our society today there seems to be a disconnect around what happiness is and what it me ans. So many people seem to believe that it means you must be deliriously smiling and sunshine & roses ALL. THE. TIME. Others seem to believe that it is something they only see on tv or the movies. That it is something everybody else experiences. believe that the more they buy, drink, eat, smoke or exercise they will find it. Quite often when we substitute substances or things, we are running from the deepest truth inside: none of us feels like we are happy enough, successful enough, worthy enough of being happy. So we hide from ourselves, lie to ours...