The Continuous Journey
As part of my own journey to be the best version of myself I can be - I face the same challenges that many of my clients face. Although I have done a lot of my own self work - and encourage my clients to do the same, I too often forget that life is a continuous journey. I get caught up in the same vortex of "I'm not ready," " I' need to do/learn more" and even the classic,"I'm not good enough" as most of you do. I tend to forge that like most people on this amazing journey, I too have many layers of "shiz"(my teenage niece's favorite word for shit) to get through. Sometimes, things that I thought I had cleared away a few years ago - have revisited me in another way.., just to give me the kick in the pants that I need to actually do something to move forward. Recently I was challenged by my mentor & guru to take some time to reflect upon and the write down all the things that have changed for me in the last 2 years. T...