The Continuous Journey

As part of my own journey to be the best version of myself I can be - I face the same challenges that many of my clients face. Although I have done a lot of my own self work - and encourage my clients to do the same,  I too often forget that life is a continuous journey. I get caught up in the same vortex of "I'm not ready," " I' need to do/learn more" and even the classic,"I'm not good enough" as most of you do.

I tend to forge that like most people on this amazing journey, I too have many layers of  "shiz"(my teenage niece's favorite word for shit) to get through. Sometimes, things that I thought I had cleared away a few years ago - have revisited me in another way.., just to give me the kick in the pants that I need to actually do something to move forward.

Recently I was challenged by my mentor & guru to take some time to reflect upon and the write down all the things that have changed for me in the last 2 years. The exercise is a way for me to reflect on how I have been able to manifest some amazing things in my life so that I can move forward by recognizing how I did so, So I can focus on the" how" to consciously manifest what I want to see in my life. Not so easy to do. I never really bought into the whole 'positive-thoughts-to-manifest-great-things-in-your-life' thing. You know - the Law of Attraction thing. Because it has always seemed that things that have occurred in my life have happened more by accident than design. Or have they? 

The other thing she has challenged me to do is to get out of my own head and get out of my own way in order to proceed.

Again, something that is not so easy for me to do. So here I am working to put my thoughts and memories into action. I'm going to do MY homework now and invite & challenge you to reflect on the changes that have occurred for you over the past two years.  Some of the answers and changes may surprise you.

And if you feel you need some extra support or guidance, or wish to book a session, I am here for you. We are all in this together, 


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